Woman in white tank top and shorts, looking at a pregnancy test. Test results are not shown and neither is the females face.

Inflammation. It’s one of those words that gets thrown around a lot when it comes to talking about disease. People with autoimmune diseases, especially, deal with a high amount of inflammation in the body. While it seems like a common issue these days, many people do not fully understand what inflammation is, what causes it, and the numerous other issues that can arise as a direct result of inflammation. 

One issue that I have found that commonly links back to inflammation is infertility. Many clients have knocked on my door desperately seeking a way to conceive, and like so many other conditions, I first assess the level of inflammation in their body. 

What is Inflammation?

Inflammation is your body’s way of defending itself against harmful stimuli. This can include anything from toxins to pathogens. Inflammation can exist in both acute and chronic forms. Chronic inflammation leads to damaging diseases, as well as organ failure. 

What Causes Inflammation in the Body?

While inflammation is your immune system’s natural reaction to injury within the body, it can also be a symptom of many different health disorders including autoimmune diseases like lupus, Alzheimer’s, asthma, cancer, heart disease, and more. Inflammation is known to cause symptoms like joint pain, fatigue, and chest pain, just to name a few. 

How are Inflammation and Infertility Connected?

Chronic inflammation in conjunction with other factors, such as oxidative stress, play a huge role in infertility. Many doctors chalk infertility issues as idiopathic, when in reality they are grounded in inflammation and oxidative stress levels. Certain health conditions like endometriosis are driven by inflammation as well. 

One of the key ways to manage inflammation in the body and increase fertility is through nutrition. Our protocols are designed to help reduce inflammation in your body and give you the best chance to conceive. 

If you are ready to start down a path to true health, reach out to me today.