One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.
Look, I get it. Life is CRAzY! Stress is REAL but food is magical.
What we fail to see is that our physical body is keeping a journal. It is logging that sh*t every day for you to come back and take care of it. From the junk we eat to the stress we bury. My body had such a long journal that people were reading me like a book! “Self-care” is more than just shopping at Target for things you don’t really need (I tell myself this every time I walk in that place!) Real self-care starts with listening to yourself, only then can you know what needs to be taken care of. That’s why we’re here. Throughout this blog my hope is that you will learn how to listen to your body speak.
Pain is written in the pages of every human body. Look at it this way, when we touch something hot we feel pain, our body instantly sends a million messages through our nerves and rushes healing aid to that area. Emotional pain is different. Stress pain is different. Yes our body has ways of survival and coping, like that target trip I keep taking, but there’s nothing in target that is going to relieve the shoulder pain nagging you and threatening to send a migraine if you don’t stop… and ground yourself. Ok, yes, there is the wine and beer isle. But seriously.
A Body in Repair starts with food. Why? Because food is our most basic need for survival. I am here to show you food is our medicine. Often times it becomes medicine for the soul. Journey with me, it will be so savory.
Every body has a tells a story. Are you listening to yours?
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With her husband Joshua, Jami Lee spends her days raising her large family of children, studying healing foods, and dreaming up her next adventure.
Jami has always devoted herself to her husband and many children, but several health crises with various loved ones have prompted her to investigate homeopathic treatments and nutritional changes.
Witnessing people gaining substantial healing and health improvements, sparked her desire to teach others and inspired her to open the first 3,000 sq ft Commissary Teaching Kitchen in Columbia, TN, which she operated from 2018 until 2021.
Following Covid's shutdown, Jami enrolled in the Dr. Sears Institute and earned a certificate in health coaching.
In addition to her training, Jami has also accumulated 15+ years' experience in the health industry. Jami developed A Body in Repair and started coaching clients through 4 different cellular health protocols.
By choosing healthy over skinny, you are choosing self-love over self-judgement.
"I had my cycle and had zero cramps for the first time since I’ve restarted my period after my last baby. Also, I have not had cravings during my cycle!"
I have completed 30 days of the Regeneration protocol and I am excited to start the Revive portion. I am down 12 lbs and a total of 9 inches!
Until you get your nutrition right, nothing is going to change.
Our body needs the right foods in order to heal, regenerate cells and develop the muscle tone you are striving for. But how do we know what the "right nutrition" looks like with so many companies trying to sell their idea of what's correct? It's time to learn how to listen to your body!
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